
Les bibliomarklets visent à faciliter l'accès aux articles scientifiques payants en passant par les proxys institutionnels (CNRS, Inserm, universités...). Ces bookmarklets permettent d'accéder à des articles scientifiques à condition que :

  • Vous ayez un compte (login & mot de passe) chez une institution qui fournit un accès à de la bibliographie. Typiquement …
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Unexpected use of protein blocks

In a previous post, I tried to explain what are proteins blocks (PBs). For those who forgot, PBs are structural prototypes used to modelize a 3D local protein structure into a 1D sequence. I illustrated this with a picture of protein blocks that I also posted on Flickr.

Protein blocks

I initially …

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PDB format

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Clean Gromacs backup files

Note to self.
Add the following lines to .bashrc file to clean Gromacs backups :

# clean Gromacs backups in the current directory
alias cleangromacsbackups="rm -f \#*\#"
# clean Gromacs backups recursively (for the fearless warriors)
alias cleangromacsbackups_rec="find ./ -name \#*\# | xargs -r rm"

Be careful with the second command...

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